Placing error notifications beneath my table rows for a more polished appearance

In the process of creating a review page for my app that showcases uploaded files, I've encountered an issue. Whenever a user uploads files with errors, I want to display a warning message below each specific file. Currently, I'm able to show the error messages but they appear disconnected from the file names in the table layout. I'm unsure how to properly align the error messages below the corresponding file names.

Here is the HTML code:

<tr ng-repeat="file in files">
     <td class="name-col">{{}}</td>
     <td class="description">{{file.description}}</td>
     <td class="error-message">{{file.error_message}}</td>

And here is the CSS styling:

table {
    table-layout: fixed;
    margin-bottom: 0;
    margin-top: 8px;

    th {
      text-transform: uppercase;

    td, td span {
      word-break: break-all;

Answer №1

How about rearranging the layout to display the error message next to the Message Digest instead of in a separate column? Consider the following code:

<tr ng-repeat="file in files">
     <td class="name-col">{{}}</td>
     <td class="description">

Make sure that file.error_message is styled as a block element so it appears on its own line.

If necessary, you could dynamically create a new row with a colspan of 2 for better organization.

Answer №2

To display error messages in the same row within a column, you can utilize the solution provided by @Adrianapolis.

If you prefer the error messages to appear in a new row, you have the option of using the ng-repeat-start and ng-repeat-end directive:

<tr ng-repeat-start="file in files">
    <td class="name-col">
        {{ }}
    <td class="description">
        {{ file.description }}
<tr ng-repeat-end
    <td colspan="2" class="error-message">
        {{ file.error_message }}

Alternatively, if the use of ng-repeat-end presents issues with the ng-show directive, you can iterate over a tbody element instead:

<tbody ng-repeat="file in files">
        <td class="name-col">{{}}</td>
        <td class="description">{{file.description}}</td>
    <tr ng-if="file.error_message">
        <td class="error-message">{{file.error_message}}</td>

Answer №3

If you want to show an error message under the name of a uploaded file, you can follow this example:

 <tr ng-repeat="file in files">
   <td class="name-col">{{}}<br><span class="has-error">{{file.error_message}}</span></td>
   <td class="description">{{file.description}}</td>

To style the error message in red color, you can use the bootstrap css class 'has-error' (assuming you are using bootstrap).

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