Placing an image above text in a table cell and making it hover

Is there a way to display an icon on the right-hand side of a table cell using jQuery? I want it to overlap the td contents if necessary. I've searched for solutions online but haven't found anything helpful yet.

My main concern is styling rather than the jQuery implementation.

Answer №1

Position the <img/> absolutely within a <td/> element with relative positioning.

td img{

View example on jsfiddle


This method may not function correctly in Firefox because <td/> cannot have relative positioning. To make it work, enclose the content of the <td/> within a <div/>.

        Some text
        <img src=""/>

td div{
td img{

See revised example

Answer №2

To improve the text wrapping around an image, you can simply include a "float: right;" style attribute within the image tag.

<img src="..." style="float: right;" />

Ensure that the image comes at the beginning of your text, and the surrounding text will neatly wrap around the image instead of overlapping it.

Answer №3

By following these steps, you can achieve the desired result.

  1. Set the element to be absolute positioned so it is removed from the document flow
  2. Specify top and left values to position it exactly where needed
  3. Another option is to use jQuery offset to obtain the parent element's value and apply it to the top and left properties

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