Placing 2 elements next to each other - Where the left element remains static and the right element's width increases as the page expands

Hey there! I'm really struggling to position two elements, an aside and a section (I believe the use of these HTML5 elements is important for their content).

On this page Click Here, my goal is to keep the 'Locations' (Aside) element static on the left side of the container div. As for the 'Regions' (Section), I want it to stay on the right side of the page (aligned with the 'Locations' element) and when resized, I need it to remain on the right while decreasing in width, maintaining its current content display. I seem to have set up the inner divs correctly to display when reduced in size, but I can't figure out how to position it next to the 'Locations' element.

Please review the following markup:

<div class="mainwrapper">
  <aside id="locations">
    <h4 style="border-bottom: 1px dotted #990000;">Locations</h4>
        <a href="recentwork.htm">
          <span>Recent Work</span>

  <section id="regions">
    <h4 style="text-align:left;">Asia</h4>
    <div class="thumbcontainer">
      <div class="thumb">

And here's the CSS:

.mainwrapper {
  width: 90%;
  margin: 130px auto 0;


.thumb img {

You can access the link again Here

Thanks so much for any assistance!

Answer №1

Here's a solution for you...

To address the issue, remove "position: fixed" from the HEADER element, eliminate "width: 90%" from #regions, and update the CSS properties of .mainwrapper as shown below:

.mainwrapper {
    margin: 40px 2% 0;
    padding-left: 168px;
    position: relative;
    text-align: center;

Answer №2

To ensure your Locations and Regions elements are aligned properly, consider using float:left for Locations and float:right for Regions. This will place them on the same level as desired.

In addition, utilizing media queries to adjust the width of the Regions element would be beneficial. Instead of a fixed 90% width, consider setting the width conditionally based on screen size using media queries.

For instance, if you need the Regions element to display two photos side by side at 636px wide, create a media query to accommodate this specific width along with margins and padding:

@media (min-width: 956px) { 
#regions {
width: 636px;

Similarly, for three photos showing at 956px wide, set another media query accordingly:

@media (min-width: 1276px) { 
#regions {
width: 956px;

By including max-width: 955px, you account for various screen sizes. Using media queries in this manner allows for optimal photo display while maintaining the Locations element visibility.

View an example JSFiddle demonstration here or see it in full screen mode here to observe the responsive design in action when adjusting the browser window width.

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