Place three images in the center of a div container

Recently, I've been working on some HTML code that utilizes the Angular Material library:

<div layout="row"   layout-wrap  style="background: yellow; ">
    <div  ng-repeat="pro in Products"   >
      <md-card class="cardProduct" >
        <img ng-src={{pro.Image1}} class="md-card-image imageProduct">

Upon implementation, I noticed that the alignment is not as desired. Specifically, I am looking to center align the content and have the fourth image displayed on the left rather than in the center.
Thank you for any assistance provided.

Answer №1

If you're using angular material, utilizing flex-box is a great way to handle layouts, especially if more images are on the way. Update your html code as follows:


<div layout="row"   layout-wrap  style="background: yellow; ">
        <div class="prod-container"  ng-repeat="pro in Products"   >
            <md-card class="cardProduct" flex="30" >
                <img   ng-src={{pro.Image1}} class="md-card-image imageProduct">


   display: flex;
   flex-wrap: wrap;
   justify-contents: flex-start;

You can also adjust card styles by removing flex=30 from the html code

<md-card class="cardProduct">

Then update the CSS to be:

  min-width: 30%;
  flex: 1;

Answer №2

Set the main container (layout="row") to have the following CSS style:

text-align: center;

For the repeating containers, apply this property:

display: inline-block;

If there is text within those containers, consider adding:

text-align: left;

Answer №3

simply set the text-align attribute of the container holding the images to center.


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