Photographs featuring a ripple effect in the columns of Zurb's Foundation framework

Working on a WordPress site using the Foundation 6 CSS framework, I have a design with a row containing two large-6 columns, each filled with an image featuring a wave shape. Check out the image I've linked below.

View the row with 2 columns

I've managed to create the two columns with images inside, but my issue is that I can't seem to get these images to be close enough to each other as shown in the example image.

Take a look at my CodePen here:

<div class="row expanded collapse">
  <div class="large-6 columns">
    <img src="">
  <div class="large-6 columns">
    <img src="">

If anyone knows how to achieve this effect, please share your insights!

Thank you, Jerry

Answer №1

To style the image, assign a specific class and apply a negative margin to it.

.styled-image {
  margin-left: -25px;

Visit this link for an example.

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