Personalizing the User Interface of Azure AD B2C using dynamic HTML

After customizing my own html and CSS for Azure AD B2C sign-up and sign-in policy using the steps outlined in this resource, I have successfully created custom Sign-Up and Sign-In pages. However, my next goal is to make the sign-up page dynamic by passing values in the query string or another method, which will determine the elements to add or remove from the html.

In the future, I aim to store these values in a database and query them before rendering the html. Is this feasible? Any advice on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

By default, B2C deactivates JavaScript due to the policies being enforced on

B2C offers support for Vanity domains, but requesting it is necessary. This feature creates an illusion that the policies are being executed on your domain, resulting in a URL like:


The process of implementing this feature can be arduous and is not readily available to the public at large.

Making this change allows you to utilize JavaScript since Microsoft prefers not to have it run on their own domains.

Thus far, no automated method has been discovered to enable JavaScript upon page loading as Microsoft removes all script tags.

Answer №2

Adding dynamic behavior to custom Azure AD B2C UIs is currently a challenging task that lacks easy solutions.

Currently, the most effective method for achieving this is by utilizing JavaScript, even though it is not officially supported in Azure AD B2C at this time.

If you wish to show your support and stay informed on advancements in this area, consider voting for the feature on the Azure AD B2C feedback forum: Add support for JavaScript inside the custom UI branding page

One potential workaround could involve creating separate policies for different UI permutations or variations. By assigning a single query string parameter (the policy), you can determine which UI to display.

Answer №3

In the case that you are creating custom policies and wish to modify the HTML template that is utilized by Identity Experience Framework (IEF) based on a query string parameter, you have the ability to specify this query string parameter in your relying party policy as shown below:

      <Parameter Name="campaign_id">{OAUTH-KV:campaign_id}</Parameter>

Once the query string parameter is included in the authentication request:

IEF will then load the HTML template with the specified query string parameter:

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