How can I implement a progress bar that mimics an exchange platform behind data-table components? [Using Vue and Vuetify]

I am working on a cryptocurrency exchange book simulator and I am trying to implement a progress bar that will be displayed behind the values in a table.

This is the template for my data-table:

                        class="transparent data-table-books-asks ml-3 mr-3"
                      <template v-slot:item="{item}">

Is there a way to add a progress bar to the data-table elements without disrupting the layout of the template? Adding a div or other tag between the items and headers causes them to not align properly.

Answer №1

I managed to create a unique design by utilizing the background property within the template elements:

<tr :style="{'background-image': 'linear-gradient(to left, rgba(255, 59, 105, 0.25), rgba(255, 59, 105, 0.25) '+item.percentage+'%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) '+item.percentage+'%)'}">
  <td class="text-start items-ask">{{item.ask}}</td>
  <td class="text-center items-quantity">{{item.quantity}}</td>

Many thanks for your help!

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