Personalizing a class specifically for error messages within the jQuery Validation plugin

When using the jQuery Validate plugin, is it possible to set a separate class for the error message element without affecting the input element's class?

Answer №1

The plugin automatically adds the errorClass to both the input and error message elements, and this behavior cannot be modified. However, changing it is unnecessary as CSS properties need to be created to target these classes for any effect.

By using appropriate CSS selectors, individual targeting of these elements becomes easy. The default label container for validation messages, paired with the default errorClass setting (which is "error")...

label.error {
    /* CSS properties only affecting error messages */

input[type="checkbox"].error {
    /* CSS properties exclusively targeting input elements */


Can a class be set solely for the error message element?

This action is never necessary.

Simply utilize label.error in your CSS to exclusively impact error messages.

label.error {
    /* CSS properties focusing solely on error messages */


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