Pagination for Primefaces datatables displayed at the bottom of the screen

I have a data table displaying information retrieved from a database. I've added pagination to the data table with the 'bottom' position specified in my code below:

<p:dataTable var="item" id="initemList" widgetVar="initemList" value="#{initemController.initems}"
                 paginator="true" rows="50" reflow="true"
                 paginatorTemplate="{RowsPerPageDropdown} {FirstPageLink} {PreviousPageLink} {PageLinks} {NextPageLink} {LastPageLink} {CurrentPageReport}"
                 currentPageReportTemplate="{startRecord} - {endRecord} of {totalRecords}" paginatorPosition="bottom"
                 rowsPerPageTemplate="10,25,50" selectionMode="single" scrollable="true"
                 selection="#{initemController.selectedInitem}" rowKey="#{item.itemid}">

The current display of my data table can be viewed here:

However, the pagination appears below the displayed data instead of at the bottom of the screen. How can I correct this issue?

Answer №1

To customize the appearance of a specific element on your webpage, you can utilize your browser's developer tools (usually accessed by pressing F12). In Google Chrome, you can also right-click on the element and choose "Inspect".

Identify the class associated with the element you wish to style – for instance: ui-paginator-bottom.

Next, craft your own CSS rule to apply custom styling. Depending on your website's setup, your code may resemble this:

.ui-paginator-bottom {
    position: fixed;
    bottom: 0;

For further reference, check out:

  • PrimeFaces component looks different than in showcase

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