"Adjusting the height of a div element while considering the

I have 2 elements with different heights and I want to make them equal:

var highestEl = $('#secondElement').height();

I understand that the second element is always taller than the first one. When both elements contain plain text, everything works smoothly. However, when I add elements with margins or padding to the second element (which is always taller), the calculation breaks down. It considers the height of the taller element but does not factor in the total sum of margins of child elements inside the second element.

How can I accurately calculate the full height of an element including margins/paddings?

Answer №1

When the first or last child of an element has top or bottom margins assigned, it can lead to some interesting behavior. This often occurs with paragraph tags, as they typically have a margin of 1em on both the top and bottom. This aligns with the concept of collapsing margins outlined in the box model specification.


In these situations, jQuery may report an outerHeight for the parent element that does not include the top margin of the first child or the bottom margin of the last child.

A workaround for this issue is to add top and bottom padding to the parent element to maintain consistency with the natural height of the element:

  padding-top: 1px;
  margin-top: -1px;
  padding-bottom: 1px;
  margin-bottom: -1px;

For those facing similar challenges, here's a live sample that could prove helpful:



Answer №2

Here is a suggestion:

let tallestColumn = $('#SecondColumn')[0].offsetHeight;

Answer №3

To obtain the full height including the margins and paddings, it's recommended to use outerHeight(true) instead of 'height()'.

When using 'true', you are opting to include the margins in the calculation.

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