Padding will not completely fill the <li> and <div> elements

Looking to create a sleek menu bar that's 40px tall and fills up 80% of the browser width.

The challenge arises when trying to center the text within the menu items. Despite adjusting padding for alignment, there's still a small gap because of <a> padding.

To address this issue, it was found that setting the padding at 10.35px instead of 10px or 11px resolves the problem.

Here is the HTML structure:

      <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
      <div id="menu">
                  <a href="">Hello</a>
                  <a href="">Hello</a>
                  <a href="">Hello</a>
                  <a href="">Hello</a>
                  <a href="">Hello</a>
                  <a href="">Hello</a>

Check out the corresponding CSS styling:

body, html {
    width               : 100%;
    margin              : 0;

#menu {
    background-color    : black;
    width               : 100%;
    height              : 40px;

ul {
    list-style          : none;
    height              : 100%; 
    background-color    : yellowgreen;

li {
    margin              : 0;
    padding             : 0;
    float               : left;
    line-height         : 40px; 
    background-color    : blue;

a {
    margin              : 0;
    text-decoration     : none;
    color               : white;
    font-weight         : bold;
    padding             : 10px 5px;
    background-color    : blueviolet; 

a:hover {
    background-color    : orange;

Seeking insight from experts on why this pixel discrepancy occurs and what alternative solutions may be more effective in achieving proper alignment?

Answer №2

By setting the < a> tags to display as block elements, they will completely fill their container.

In this instance, I have also disabled padding to prevent any overflow beyond the boundaries of the < li> elements.

a {
    display: block;
    /*padding             : 10px 5px;*/

    margin              : 0;
    text-decoration     : none;
    color               : white;
    font-weight         : bold;
    background-color    : blueviolet; 

Answer №3

To achieve a sleek look for your links, try the following CSS code without any top and bottom padding:

a {
    margin: 0;
    text-decoration: none;
    color: black;
    font-weight: bold;
    padding: 0px 5px;
    background-color: teal;
    display: inline-block;
    height: 30px;

See live example on jsFiddle

Answer №4

It appears that there are unnecessary background colors being set in your code. It might be helpful to adjust them accordingly for the div with the ID of #menu and also for the links (<a>) as requested.

An issue that stands out is that the links have not been styled as blocks. Consider adding display: block to them and adjusting the padding values appropriately. This will eliminate the need for setting the line-height for list items.

For a more standardized approach, avoid setting a specific height for the <ul> element. Instead, utilize a clearfix method to allow the container to naturally adjust to the height of its child elements.

In terms of optimizing your code, it is recommended to refrain from applying margin and padding directly to <li> elements and margin specifically to <a> tags.

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