Overlapping Issue with Angular Bootstrap Dynamic Dropdown Menu

I'm currently working on creating a dynamic menu using Angular and Bootstrap for Angular. My main issue right now is that the submenus are overlapping each other when displayed on the page.

To tackle this problem, I started off by referring to the examples provided on the "Angular for Bootstrap" page here. I added *ngFor to make the menus dynamic, but I seem to have hit a roadblock with the buttons overlapping. Can anyone offer some guidance on how I can resolve this issue?

<div class="btn-group mr-3" *ngFor="let appMenu of appMenus">
  <div class="btn-group" ngbDropdown role="group" aria-label="Button group with nested dropdown" >
    <button class="btn btn-outline-primary" ngbDropdownToggle>{{ appMenu.appMenuName }}</button>
    <div class="dropdown-menu" *ngFor="let appMenuItem of appMenu.appMenuItemList" ngbDropdownMenu>
      <button ngbDropdownItem [routerLink]="appMenuItem.path">{{ appMenuItem.appMenuItemName }}</button>

Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

To improve the structure, consider placing the *ngFor directive within the button instead of the div:

<div class="btn-group mr-3">
  <div class="btn-group" ngbDropdown role="group" aria-label="Button group with nested dropdown" >
    <button class="btn btn-outline-primary" ngbDropdownToggle
      *ngFor="let appMenu of appMenus">
      {{ appMenu.appMenuName }}

    <div class="dropdown-menu" ngbDropdownMenu>
        *ngFor="let appMenuItem of appMenu.appMenuItemList" 
        ngbDropdownItem [routerLink]="appMenuItem.path">
        {{ appMenuItem.appMenuItemName }}

The issue might be due to having the loop around ngbDropdownMenu in that div, causing it to generate multiple menus with one item each and associating them all with the same div element.

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