Optimizing Material UI Themes: Adjusting the spacing between labels and inputs for improved design

Currently, I am in the process of updating my MUI themes using the overrides functionality.

This is how my input field looks like:


I am looking to increase the space between the label and the input field.

Below is the code for the overrides:

const overrides: Overrides = {
  MuiInput: {
    root: {
      backgroundColor: 'white',
      border: '1px solid #cdcfd1',
      borderRadius: 10,
      height: 50
  MuiInputBase: {
    root: {
      marginTop: 25
  MuiInputLabel: {
    asterisk: {
      '&$error': { color: '#eb131b' },
      color: '#eb131b',
      float: 'left',
      marginRight: 5
    root: {
      '&$focused': {
        color: '#222',
        transform: 'translate(0, 0)'
      color: '#222',
      fontSize: 16,
      fontWeight: 'bold',
      top: 0,
      transform: 'translate(0, 0)'
    shrink: {
      transform: 'translate(0, 0)'

Although I want to modify the margin of MuiInputBase to be 25, it seems that another part of the code is overriding it:


What would be the correct approach to update this through theme overrides?

Additional information: Feel free to check out this Code Sandbox link to explore and address the issue:

Answer №1

Kindly insert the following code snippet inside overrides and within your MuiInput

formControl: {
  "label + &": {
    marginTop: "25px"

For reference, you can view the example here

Answer №2

Here is a suggestion:

MuiInput: {
  formControl: {
    "label + &": {
      marginTop: 25

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