One press sets off a chain reaction of unintended consequences

I am facing an issue where I want to implement functionality to modify the quantity of a selected product using two buttons: minus and plus. Strangely, when clicking the plus button it also triggers the click event of the minus button. Can anyone shed light on why this might be happening? Appreciate your help!

  let productQuantity = 1;

  constructor() { }

  ngOnInit(): void {

    let decreaseBtn = document.querySelector('#minus') as HTMLElement;
    let increaseBtn = document.querySelector('#plus') as HTMLElement;

     decreaseBtn.onclick = () => {
        if(productQuantity > 1){

     increaseBtn.onclick = () => {

Answer №1

Using event binding in Angular makes handling events much simpler.

Give this a shot:


<button (click)="increaseQuantity"> + </button>
<button (click)="decreaseQuantity"> - </button>


currentAmount = 1;

increaseQuantity() {

decreaseQuantity() {
   if (this.currentAmount > 1) {

Learn more about Angular Event binding here

Answer №2

Without a clear view of your HTML structure, it can be difficult to pinpoint the issue. However, it is likely related to a phenomenon known as "event bubbling."

To resolve this, consider changing your onclick function to:

(e) => {
  if(this.productQuantity > 1){

For a more detailed explanation of this concept, you can visit:

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