One helpful tip for adjusting the size of a UI chip on the fly

I am attempting to adjust the size of a UI chip dynamically based on the font size of its parent elements using the em unit in CSS.

My objective is to achieve something like this:


The issue I'm encountering: The chip element in material-ui does not seem to be easily resizable compared to other components in material-UI.

Attempts made:

  1. style={{transform:'scale(1em)'}} was tried but it did not yield the desired outcome. The anchor point for the transform operation was difficult to manage.
  2. Another approach involved creating a custom chip with
    <img style={{float: 'left', width: '1em', borderRadius: '50%',}}/>
    . However, this solution lacked the original appearance of the material UI chip.
import Avatar from '@material-ui/core/Avatar'
import Chip from '@material-ui/core/Chip'

function Chips() {
  const classes = useStyles()

  const handleDelete = () => {'You clicked the delete icon.')

  const handleClick = () => {'You clicked the Chip.')

  return (
    <div className={classes.root}>
          avatar={<Avatar alt="Natacha" src="/static/images/avatar/1.jpg" />}

          avatar={<Avatar alt="Natacha" src="/static/images/avatar/1.jpg" />}

Answer №1

At the moment, the Chip component does not have built-in support for adjusting size (We hope this feature will be added in the future 🤞).
To work around this, you can create your own custom component. I've developed one called CustomChip.

Within this custom component, include a prop called size to adjust the chip's dimensions accordingly.


function CustomChip(props) {
  const { size = 1, ...restProps } = props;
  const classes = useStyles({ size });

  return (
      classes={{ avatar: classes.avatar, deleteIcon: classes.deleteIcon }}

const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
  root: {
    fontSize: (props) => `${props.size * 0.8125}rem`,
    height: (props) => `${props.size * 32}px`,
    borderRadius: "9999px"
  avatar: {
    "&&": {
      height: (props) => `${props.size * 24}px`,
      width: (props) => `${props.size * 24}px`,
      fontSize: (props) => `${props.size * 0.75}rem`
  deleteIcon: {
    height: (props) => `${props.size * 22}px`,
    width: (props) => `${props.size * 22}px`,
    color: "green"

This custom component adjusts its size based on the provided input.

Example of how to use it:-

    avatar={<Avatar alt="Natacha" src="/static/images/avatar/1.jpg" />}

Check out the working demo on Codesandbox:

Answer №2

As a result of the deprecation of makeStyles() in version 5, it is advisable to opt for a more up-to-date styling solution like sx or styled.

Here is an illustration using a custom component and sx:

import React from 'react';

import { ChipProps } from '@mui/material/Chip/Chip';
import { Chip } from '@mui/material';

type ChipAtomProps = ChipProps & {
  scale?: number;

const ChipAtom: React.FC<ChipAtomProps> = ({
  scale = 1,
}) => {
  const scaledChipSx = {
    height: `${scale * 32}px`,
    borderRadius: `${scale * 16}px`,
    '& .MuiChip-label': {
      paddingRight: `${scale * 12}px`,
      paddingLeft: `${scale * 12}px`,
      fontSize: `${scale * 0.8125}rem`,
    '& .MuiChip-avatar': {
      width: `${scale * 24}px`,
      height: `${scale * 24}px`,
      fontSize: `${scale * 0.75}rem`,

  return (

export default ChipAtom;

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