Obtaining the text of a span tag within a div using Selenium in C#

<div id="uniqueSummaryID" class="custom-text" data-reactid=".$unique_key_25.1.1.0">
<span data-reactid=".$unique_key_25.">5</span>
<span data-reactid=".$unique_key_25.">/</span>
<span data-reactid=".$unique_key_25.">15</span>

How can I extract the values '5' and '15' from the above HTML structure by targeting the div with id 'uniqueSummaryID', ideally without relying on XPath in Selenium using C#?

Answer №1

To target specific elements on a webpage, you can employ a CSS selector:

driver.FindElements(By.CssSelector("#targetSummaryCount > span"))

This code snippet will select all span elements that are directly nested under the element with the id="targetSummaryCount".

Answer №2

Here is the provided solution in Java. Could you please assist me in converting it to C#?

    WebElement divSummary = driver.findElementById("targetSummaryCount");
    List<WebElement> targetKeys = divSummary.findElements(By.tagName("span"));
    // To retrieve the first and last elements

    // To maintain a queue of elements with text 0 or 20
    HashMap <Integer, List<WebElement>> elementmap = new HashMap <Integer, List<WebElement>>();
    List<WebElement> webElements1 = new ArrayList<WebElement>();
    List<WebElement> webElements2 = new ArrayList<WebElement>();
    for (WebElement elem : targetKeys){
        else if (elem.getText().trim().equals("20")){
    // elementmap.get(0) contains all span tags under the target Summary Count div tag
    // elementmap.get(20) contains all span tags under the target Summary Count div tag

Answer №3

If you want to retrieve the values "0" and "20" using XPath, you can use the following code:

string num1 = driver.FindElementByXPath("//div[@id='targetSummaryCount']/span[1]").Text;
string num2 = driver.FindElementByXPath("//div[@id='targetSummaryCount']/span[3]").Text;

// Alternatively,
var elements = driver.FindElementsByXPath("//div[@id='targetSummaryCount']/span");
string num1 = elements[0].Text;
string num2 = elements[2].Text;

You can also achieve this with a Css Selector like so:

string num1 = driver.FindElementByCssSelector("#targetSummaryCount > span:nth-child(1)").Text;
string num2 = driver.FindElementByCssSelector("#targetSummaryCount > span:nth-child(3)").Text;

// Or using even CSS selector
var elements = driver.FindElementsByCssSelector("#targetSummaryCount > span:nth-child(even)");
string num1 = elements[0].Text;
string num2 = elements[1].Text;

Answer №4

Give this a shot.

        var count = driver.FindElements(By.XPath("//*[@id='targetSummaryCount']/span")).Count;
        var finalResult = "";
        for (int index = 0; index < count; index++)
            var text = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//*[@id='targetSummaryCount']/span[" + index + "]")).Text;

            if (text != "/")
                finalResult += "span:" + index + " text:" + finalResult;

Answer №5

One approach to consider is accessing the span element that is a descendant of the div with the id targetSummaryCount and contains either the text 0 or 20.

var span_00 = driver.FindElementByXPath("//div[@id='targetSummaryCount']/span[text()='0']");

var span_20 = driver.FindElementByXPath("//div[@id='targetSummaryCount']/span[text()='20']");

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