Obtaining the current index in a list of strings using the map() function

Here is the code snippet I am working with:

      {words.map((word: string, index) => (
        <Span key={index}>

Currently, this code displays different words in multiple lines in my browser. However, I would like to achieve a specific layout as shown in the image below: https://i.sstatic.net/OOazN.png

If the number of rows exceed three, I want to display only the first three rows of words and include an ellipsis "..." to indicate that there are more words in the list. Can someone suggest a way to implement this? How can I determine the particular row of words being displayed?

Answer №1

If you are aware of the number of characters that can fit per line, you can perform a calculation based on that information. Just to clarify, are you looking to simply display an ellipsis at the end, or do you want it to be a clickable element that expands the container to show the entire list? If you are interested in the basic functionality, you could achieve it using JS or CSS pseudo-content.

Here is an example using JS:

const container = document.querySelector('.words-list'); // target the container that holds the list of words
const wordsStr = words.join(', ');
const lineChars = 20;
const linesToShow = 3;
if (wordsStr.length > lineChars * linesToShow) {
    let wordsSub = wordsStr.substr(0, lineChars * linesToShow - 3) + '&hellip;';
    container.innerText = wordsSub;

Regarding the CSS solution, after adding a class via JS, you can utilize text-overflow: ellipsis or ::after { content: '\2026' } to achieve the desired effect.

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