Obtain the text from an altered stylesheet in Firefox

I am currently programmatically updating stylesheets for a web page using JavaScript. My method involves having a local copy of the page and all associated assets stored on a server. After I finish making changes to the stylesheets, my goal is to save the modified versions onto disk.

To execute my JavaScript code on the loaded page in Firefox, I am utilizing Webdriver.

While Internet Explorer offers access to the stylesheet.cssText property to obtain the stylesheet source as a JS string, I am unable to use IE for this task. Therefore, I am seeking a way to achieve the same outcome in Firefox.

Answer №1

To implement this functionality, you can refer to the code snippet provided in this JSFiddle example:

for (var st = 0; st < document.styleSheets.length; ++st) {
    var styleSheet = document.styleSheets[st];

    var reference = styleSheet.href || "<inline>";
    var appliedRules = [];
    for (var rulenum = 0; rulenum < styleSheet.cssRules.length; ++rulenum) {

You may also find valuable information in the Mozilla Developer Network documentation, specifically regarding dynamic styling information usage.

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