How to style CSS to ensure printed table content fits perfectly within the page

Does anyone know how to resize the contents of a table using CSS so that everything shows up when printing, without wrapping text in individual cells? In this scenario,

<table class="datatables" id="table1">
<td style="white-space:nowrap;">There is a large amount of data in this table that extends beyond the printed page.</td>
<td style="white-space:nowrap;">I want it to be displayed on one line, unbroken, but also small enough to fit when printed.</td>
<td style="white-space:nowrap;">Currently, the last column gets cut off when printed.</td>

When printed, the last td remains partially hidden even though I intended for them all to be displayed on one line. I have used inline style for demonstration purposes, but would prefer to use style sheets. Ideally, I am looking for a solution that automatically resizes the font to ensure everything fits on one line per row without wrapping. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

It can be quite a challenge to control the printing output as there are numerous variables to consider, such as the user's printer, available fonts, and settings.

In my experience, converting a table to a .pdf file offers a clean solution that ensures consistency across different machines and printers. While it may seem complex from a technical perspective, using datatables provides a straightforward way to achieve this.

By utilizing the "table tools" plugin, you can easily generate a formatted .pdf version of any table with just a few lines of code and additional files. You can see a working demo here. In essence, if your table is properly formatted (don't forget to use <thead> tags) and not excessively large, you should be able to upload the necessary files, implement the provided code by adjusting the selector to match your table, reference the swf file for .pdf creation, and have it work seamlessly. Most setup issues usually stem from incorrect referencing of the swf path.

With this approach, you'll have printable, straightforward code at your disposal.

Answer №2

Perhaps give this a shot:

@media print
   table.datatables {font-size:10px} /* Adjust the value to your preference */

Answer №3

In order to review the print settings on your Chrome Browser, simply navigate to the "Print Options" tab and locate the "Scale Fields". From there, you can customize the page size to meet your specific needs.

Answer №4

This solution may not work for all scenarios, so it's important to test and adjust the values as needed.

One option is to utilize the CSS transform scale property.

In a particular case where the table width was too large, I had to use JavaScript to scale it down, adjust the margins, and then revert back to its original state after printing using window.print().

document.getElementById('your table id').style.transform = ("scale(0.8)");
document.getElementById('your table id').style.margin = ("0 0 0 -15%");

You can also achieve the same effect by directly applying these properties in CSS.

#table {
  transform: scale(0.8); // Adjust this value based on your printing needs
  margin : 0 0 0 -15%; // Adjust this value based on your printing needs

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