Node.js Less compiler encountering parsing error with #zoom: 1; declaration

Whenever I use "#" hashtags in certain situations in a .less file, I encounter a node less compiler error. It seems to handle color hex values like color: #FFFFFF; fine, but when something like #zoom: 1; is used, it throws a parseError for unrecognized input.

I have not been able to find any other discussions directly addressing the issue of using # and causing problems for the compiler, which leaves me wondering why this problem has gone unnoticed by others.

Here is an example of a .less file definition for a class taken from the Dojo SDK file dijit.css. I changed the extension to .less so that I could consolidate it with other .less files into one .css file:

.dijitInline {
/*  To inline block elements.
    Similar to InlineBox below, but this has fewer side-effects in Moz.
    Also, apparently works on a DIV as well as a FIELDSET.
display:inline-block;           /* webkit and FF3 */
#zoom: 1; /* set hasLayout:true to mimic inline-block */
#display:inline; /* don't use .dj_ie since that increases the priority */
#vertical-align: auto;  /* makes TextBox,Button line up w/native counterparts on IE6 */

The compiler encounters issues with the #zoom and #display lines.

Answer №1

From a technical standpoint, utilizing the #zoom in CSS is considered invalid, even though Internet Explorer interprets it and it is commonly used as a fix for IE issues. It's possible that this could be causing your compiler to fail.

I use an inline-block mixin like the following, which compiles successfully in CodeKit and WinLess:

.display-inline-block() {
    display: -moz-inline-stack;
    display: inline-block;
    zoom: 1;
    *display: inline;

The usage of *display may seem just as incorrect as using #zoom, but my compiler does not encounter any problems with it. While I haven't tested it with the pound symbol, trying the asterisk instead might be worth considering...

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