Need help designing a custom button for your website? Learn how to create a button in HTML and transform

Can someone help me figure out how to create a button in HTML?
Should I use "submit" or "button" for the type attribute? What separates the two?

Also, is there a way to style the button as blue using CSS? I've heard about using either an id or a class, but what exactly sets them apart?'.

Answer №1

Check out this illustration:

div {
  background: red;
  color: black;
<div>This is a colored div</div>

In CSS, you have the flexibility to target an element using its name, id, or class individually or in combination.

Answer №2

Using Javascript is a common way to interact with buttons. Submit buttons are specifically designed to work with forms. For more information on forms, you can refer to the link provided. Another important element is the a tag, known as an anchor, that allows you to create links within your web pages.

CSS plays a crucial role in changing the appearance of elements in Web design.

It's advisable to use classes instead of IDs for styling purposes. To understand the difference between ids and classes better, you can read further information here.

You can enhance user experience by changing colors during a mouse hover event. By using developer tools like Chrome's inspector, you can explore various possibilities. Websites like are valuable resources for beginners. Below is a simple example of how to change color with a hover effect:

.my-button {
    color: black;

.my - button {
    color: red;

Hopefully, this information proves useful to you. Best of luck with your learning journey!


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