Navigation item is centrally aligned

UPDATE: After successfully targeting the necessary code to implement the changes I require, my next challenge is figuring out how to only make a specific section of this div transparent.

For instance, in a scenario where the nav bar is 750 pixels wide, I aim to achieve transparency within the first 75 pixels. The key snippet of code that comes into play here is:

opacity: 0|initial|inherit;

Yet, the real question remains - How can I apply this code solely to a designated section (75px) within the 750 pixel div? Here's the ID and classes that demand my attention:

#mega_main_menu.primary > .menu_holder > .mmm_fullwidth_container {
background-image: url('     Bar.png');
background-repeat: repeat;
background-position: center;
background-attachment: fixed;
background-size: cover;


Your assistance is greatly appreciated,

The Visual i Team

Answer â„–1

Regarding the logo placement, you may want to try adjusting the margin-top within the menus div or utilizing a negative margin-top within the logos section. It's important to provide the full code for accurate assistance with this issue.

Answer â„–2

Transparent is not considered a color, but rather a measure of opacity. To address this issue, it is recommended to utilize the opacity property. Additionally, for vertical alignment adjustments, one can opt to employ the vertical-align property subsequent to defining the element with either display: table; or display: table-cell;. Alternatively, you may designate the logo as display: inline-block; and proceed to set the line-height: X;, where X represents the height of your container.

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