Extend child flex boxes vertically when the main axis is horizontal

My flex boxes have the flex-direction set to row and align-items set to stretch. Despite setting align-self to stretch for the child boxes, they only fill the top part of the browser window. Can someone help me troubleshoot this issue?

#containerDiv {
  display: flex;
  align-items: stretch;
  flex-direction: row;
  background: #FFFFFF;

#leftDiv {
  flex-grow: 50;
  align-self: stretch;
  background: linear-gradient(180deg, #FFFFFF 0%, #F2F5FA 100%);

#rightDiv {
  flex-grow: 50;
  align-self: stretch;
  background: url('https://c.files.bbci.co.uk/12A9B/production/_111434467_gettyimages-1143489763.jpg');
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-size: auto auto;
<div id="containerDiv">
  <div id="leftDiv">
    <p>some text</p>
  <div id="rightDiv">
    <p>some text</p>

Answer №1

I discovered that the parent flexbox should have a height of 100vh.

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