Navigation issues in Internet Explorer appear to be causing problems

I've been working on a new website template design and decided to incorporate a click navigation menu for added functionality (with a javascript fallback for accessibility).

I found the menu design on and it worked perfectly in most browsers (Opera, Chrome, FF, Safari) except for IE, where it appeared differently.

You can view the site I'm designing the template for here.

If anyone has any insight on why the menu is not displaying correctly in IE, I would greatly appreciate the help.

EDIT: The issue was resolved by declaring doctype and adding a meta tag, but now there seems to be a gap in my wrapper div that is not in my CSS.

Answer №1

Error encountered: HTML1200 - is on the Internet Explorer Compatibility View List ('C:\Users\Kolink\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\IECompatData\iecompatdata.xml').

Additionally, Error HTML1527 was detected - DOCTYPE expected. The shortest valid doctype is "<!DOCTYPE html>".
index.htm, line 1 character 1

To resolve the first issue, include the following in your <head>:

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />

To address the second issue, ensure that <!DOCTYPE html> is added at the beginning of your page. Not having a doctype is outdated practice...

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