"Kindly complete all mandatory fields" - The undisclosed field is preventing me from submitting

I am facing an issue with my WordPress page that has Buddyboss installed along with Elementor pro as the Pagebuilder. The Buddyboss plugin provides Facebook-like functions on the website. While it is easy to comment on posts within the Buddy Boss system, I encounter a problem when trying to submit a comment on a post outside of the Buddyboss platform. There seems to be a hidden field that needs to be completed in order for my comment to go through. Here is the line of code

Despite attempting to target and delete this hidden field using a script by its ID, I have not been successful. However, manually deleting the field allows me to successfully submit my comments. Any suggestions or ideas on how to resolve this issue?

If you view my Textarea without the CSS that hides it, here is what it looks like:


Answer №1

After reviewing the code you shared in your comment, it appears that targeting the aria-label attribute may be the solution you were looking for. To remove this element, you can make adjustments to your code as shown below:

var element_to_remove = document.querySelector('[aria-label="hp-comment"]');

The first line locates the element based on the aria-label attribute with the value of hp-comment, while the second line removes it from the HTML structure (this method should function properly in most modern browsers; alternatively, you could explore the approach involving the parentNode as you mentioned).

You can experiment with this enhanced code snippet:

var element_to_remove = document.querySelector('[aria-label="hp-comment"]');
console.log(element_to_remove.id); // the id is logged
element_to_remove.remove(); // remove the element
element_to_remove = document.querySelector('[aria-label="hp-comment"]'); // nothing here
console.log(element_to_remove); // --> null is logged
<textarea id="aad669143d1a2b175fb447cb79a28f4b" aria-label="hp-comment" aria-hidden="true" name="comment" autocomplete="new-password" style="" tabindex="-1" class="error" aria-describedby="aad669143d1a2b175fb447cb79a28f4b-error" aria-invalid="true">

(Please note that lines 2, 4, and 5 are purely for demonstration purposes and not essential to the functionality.)

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