Navigating to the most recent item within ng-repeat (AngularJS or JavaScript)

I am working on a feature where posts are displayed using ng-repeat in a div, and users can enter new posts in an input box. The posts are sorted so that the latest one appears at the bottom. After adding a new post, I want to automatically scroll down to see it. Is there a smart way to achieve this with Angular, or do I have to resort to using JavaScript?

<div ng-repeat="post in posts | limitTo:-15">
    {{post.uid}} : {{post.text}}

  <input type="textarea" class="chatbox" placeholder="Start typing..." ng-model="newPost"/>
  <button class="chatbutton" type="submit" ng-click="addPost(newPost); newPost = null; setInterval();"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-send"></span></button>

Answer №1

To make this more versatile, consider implementing a decorating directive.

Check out this example that may guide you in the right direction;

Essentially, when a new item is added, the $anchorScroll service will automatically scroll to that specific element.

Answer №2

It seems like you could achieve this with JavaScript. Depending on how your code is set up, you can catch the submit process and then scroll down to the most recent post. Without knowing the specifics of your submit function, it's difficult to provide exact instructions. However, a possible approach could be:

You can handle the submit action in your code and upon clicking, scroll to the bottom using code similar to the following:

 $("#submit").on("click" ,function(){
            scrolled=scrolled + 2700;
            /* other functions here */
                    scrollTop:  scrolled


Answer №3

After some research and assistance from PSL, I managed to solve the issue using anchorScroll. Here is the updated code snippet:

<div id="scrollArea" ng-controller="ScrollController">

  <div style="padding: 10px" ng-repeat="post in posts | limitTo:-10">
    <span class="chatbox" style="background: {{post.pcolor}}">{{post.text}}</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="chatname">{{post.pname}} ({{post.time}})</span>

  <input  class="chatinput" placeholder="Start typing..." ng-model="newPost"/>
  <button class="chatbutton" type="submit" ng-click="gotoBottom(); addPost(newPost); newPost = null;"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-send"></span></button>
<a id="bottom"></a>

To ensure proper functionality, remember to place the id="bottom" tag within the div of the ScrollController:

.controller('ScrollController', ['$scope', '$location', '$anchorScroll',
  function ($scope, $location, $anchorScroll) {
    $scope.gotoBottom = function() {
      // set the location.hash to the id of
      // the element you wish to scroll to.

      // call $anchorScroll()

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