Navigating the dropdown sub menus in Bootstrap using keyboard shortcuts

Enabling WCAG compliance for a dropdown menu requires keyboard navigability, in addition to mouse functionality. It seems that the bootstrap developers removed sub-menu support some time ago due to mobile unfriendliness, but my specific needs are limited to desktop use.

I attempted to incorporate code from this answer for keyboard navigation, but was unsuccessful in navigating through the submenu.

Upon updating to bs4.5 library, key navigation works perfectly on the top-level dropdown and even reaches the first element in the submenu. However, pressing the up and down keys within the submenu only hides the popup.

Even after preventing the menu from hiding with a keydown event listener, I am still unsure how to navigate within the submenu as expected utilizing the active class attribute.

My requirements include:

  • Navigating the submenu using UP/DOWN keys
  • 'Clicking' submenu elements with the enter key

This is the appearance after activating the submenu with the enter key.

Here is what happens when moving to the submenu by pressing the down arrow.

The code (mostly unchanged from the linked question, excluding sub-sub menus):

            .dropdown-submenu {
                position: relative;

            .dropdown-submenu a::after {
                transform: rotate(-90deg);
                position: absolute;
                right: 6px;
                top: .8em;

            .dropdown-submenu .dropdown-menu {
                top: 0;
                left: 100%;
                margin-left: .1rem;
                margin-right: .1rem;
    <!-- Bootstrap, jQuery, Popper.js -->

How can I successfully navigate within the submenu?

Answer №1

Through analyzing the bootstrap dropdown plugin's source code, I managed to successfully navigate the focus caret within the sub menu by implementing the following code snippet.

By incorporating a keydown event handler to the submenus dropdown list, we can extract the list of available items as native elements and identify the current index by locating the target of the key event. Subsequently, we can adjust the index accordingly (either increment or decrement) and set the focus on the new item.

$('.dropdown-submenu .dropdown-menu').on('keydown', function(e) {            

    const items = $(this).find('.dropdown-item').get();
    let index = items.indexOf(

    if (e.which == 38) {
    } else 
    if (e.which == 40) {

    if(index < 0 || index > (items.length - 1)) {


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