Navigating media queries with Font Awesome props in React.js: A simple guide

I needed to adjust the size of a Font-Awesome component in React.js based on different media queries. How can we change the size of the Font-Awesome component dynamically according to the screen size?

export const Revenue = (props) => (
  <div className={classes.Div}>
        style={{ marginTop: "20px" }}
        size="3x"                      //   @media(max-width: 415px) { size= 2x} and 3x for other

        display: "flex",
        flexDirection: "column",
      <p>Total Revenue</p>

Answer №1

After reviewing the documentation for FontAwesomeIcon, it seems that native support may be lacking in this area.

However, with CSS modules at your disposal, you have the flexibility to apply custom styles to FontAwesomeIcon by utilizing the appropriate classes within the className attribute.


To further customize the appearance, you can define corresponding CSS properties within your module file:

.dollarIcon {
  // Your style adjustments here
  @media (max-width: 415px) { 
    height: ....;
    width: ....;

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