The div element does not have an inline display style

My challenge lies in creating a container with two main elements - a header and body. Within the header div, I aim to have a 50px by 50px image alongside a user name displayed inline, but despite my efforts, I can't seem to achieve the desired layout. What could be causing this issue?

Answer №1

To achieve the desired layout, simply add a float: left property to both elements as shown below:

#story-teller-head-contain img{
  float: left;
  /* add your additional styling here */

#story-teller-head-contain h1 {
  float: left;
  /* add your additional styling here */

Answer №2

To align the image and the div with the name to the left, simply add a float property. You can view the updated jsFiddle at this link:

Answer №4

Implementing inline display can sometimes be a hassle. To ensure cross-browser compatibility, follow these guidelines:

/* Use this for older versions of FF */
display: -moz-inline-stack;

/* For newer versions of FF and Webkit */
display: inline-block;

/* Trigger the correct behavior in IE */
zoom: 1;

/* Specific to IE */
*display: inline;

It's crucial to declare the styles in that specific order.

Answer №5

Like many others have mentioned, adjusting the CSS to make the image and person's name float to the left is a good idea.

On another note, I really appreciate the layout you created here. I made some modifications to your source:

Answer №6

Your website structure includes the following elements (with an image URL for reference):

<div id="story-teller-head-contain">
    <img src=""/>
    <div id="client-name">
        <h1> Matt Morris </h1>

By applying a float: left style to the img and #client-name elements within the div, you can make them flow horizontally without pushing the next element down.

#story-teller-head-contain img {
    float: left;
    height: 50px;
    width: 50px;

#client-name {
    float: left;
    height: 50px;
    width: 200px;

#story-teller-head-contain h1 {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    font-family: 'helvetica neue', arial, sans-serif;
    font-size: 12px;
    color: #3B5998;

To better understand this concept, check out these resources:

Answer №7

Personally, I believe it's more effective to utilize the following CSS rules:

   display: table-cell;
   zoom:1;/*For IE only*/ 

By using this method, you won't need to specify widths as in the float technique. It will automatically adjust to accommodate text of varying lengths.

I went ahead and made some updates to your code which you can view here -

However, I believe that your structure and CSS could be simplified further. Since I am not aware of the exact purpose, I left it as is.

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