Navigate down the page until you reach the section that is set to display as a block

Is it possible to make the page automatically scroll to a specific element located in the middle of the page when changing its display property from none to block?

Answer №1

If you are planning to utilize JavaScript to switch an element from "display: none" to "display: block" at some point, you can also incorporate a script to smoothly scroll to that specific element simultaneously.

Update: I quickly put together this code and it works perfectly fine.

Breakdown: The event labeled as 'atSomePoint' denotes the trigger for transitioning from hidden to visible (block). In my case, I used .show() to reveal the element, but there are multiple approaches possible. Following that step is the scrolling process. We target the body of the webpage and apply animation to move it towards the position of the element. By animating 'scrollTop' to the offset derived from $(el) using '.offset().top', we effectively guide the page's movement. The duration allocated for the animation is 500, whereas 'swing' dictates the easing effect - although it's not mandatory. Additionally, if you're interested in the stop() function, it halts any ongoing animations. Omitting these details would still yield a functional outcome.

(function() {
  $(el).atSomePoint, function() {
    $('html, body').stop().animate({
      'scrollTop': $(el).offset().top
    }, 500, 'swing');

Answer №2

One possible solution is to utilize the ScrollTo method -- check out this reference on MDN ScrollTo

window.scrollTo(500,0); // Use (500,0) as the co-ordinates for the ScrollTo method

Alternatively, you can experiment with the scrollTop method in Jquery by visiting ScrollTop

$( "div.demo" ).scrollTop( 300 );

Answer №3

Give it a shot with the code snippet

window.scrollTo(x-coord, y-coord )

The x-coord represents the pixel position along the horizontal axis of the document that you want to be visible in the upper left corner.

The y-coord represents the pixel position along the vertical axis of the document that you want to be visible in the upper left corner.

Visit this link for more information.

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