Mysterious empty area amidst two div elements

Check out this Fiddle link

In my code, I have two containers - one for the header and the other for the main body. Inside the header container, there is another div that has been floated to the left. As a result of this floating element, there is now a whitespace gap between the header and main body containers.

[Please see the styling for #DivLogo in the CSS section of the fiddle]

My question is: why does floating elements cause this issue?

Answer №1

This issue arises due to the fact that your #DivHeader is set to inline-block. Modify it to display: block and add overflow: hidden; to control the floats. Refer to for more details.

Answer №2



on the element with ID #DivHeader to contain its children



from the element with ID #DivMain

Check out this demo

Answer №3

The Impact of Using inline-block on Behavior

Here is the original CSS code:

    font-family: Century Gothic, sans-serif;

Within #DivHeader, there are two child elements - one floated and one absolutely positioned, which do not affect the height of #DivHeader.

If you were to set display: block, the red background would cover the header from the top left corner of the page, rendering the header invisible.

This behavior occurs because setting position: relative for #DivMain creates a new stacking context that overlaps previously rendered elements.

By changing position: static for

#DivMain</code, you would see the header content from the floated element.</p>

<p>With <code>display: inline-block
for #DivHeader, the element now acknowledges white space in the HTML document creating an anonymous inline box. This allows the clearance resulting from the float to contribute to the inline-block, displaying the background color accordingly.

To resolve this issue, simply add overflow: auto and display: block to DivHeader.

Additionally, if you had not floated #DivLogo, the larger font sizes in the logo elements would prevent the recognition of white space by the inline-block.

There are multiple factors at play here!

Answer №4

By simply including top: -5px; in the style of #DivMain, your issue will be resolved! :)

For a live demonstration, check out the fiddle here.

Answer №5

Take a look at


<div id="DivHeader">

    <div id="DivLogo">

    <span class="Logo" id="SpLogo">Header</span><br/>
    <span class="Logo" id="SpSlogan">{sub header}</span>


    <div id="DivPrabhu">
        <a  href="">Who?</a>
        <a  href="">Connect</a>
        <a href="#">Feedback/Bugs</a>


<div id="DivMain">
 Some text to have layout

CSS Styling


float: left;
font-family: Century Gothic, sans-serif;

    float:left;         /*please remove this property and run*/ 





    float: right;
    margin-top: 30px;
    font-family: 'lucida grande',tahoma,verdana,arial,sans-serif;

#DivPrabhu a{

#DivPrabhu a:hover{

    width; 100%;

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