My toggleclass function seems to be malfunctioning

I am encountering a strange issue with my jQuery script. It seems to work initially when I toggle between classes, but then requires an extra click every time I want to repeat the process. The classes switch as expected at first, but subsequent toggles require an additional click elsewhere before functioning properly. Is there a way to streamline this process without the need for multiple clicks?

var clickOnSettings = true;
$(".settings_link").click(function () {
    if (clickOnSettings) {
        clickOnSettings = false;
$("#coverup").click(function () {
    if (!clickOnSettings) {
        clickOnSettings = true;

I have created a jsfiddle to demonstrate:

Answer №1

By toggling 'cover1', you are essentially switching between having it and not having it on the element. However, removing 'cover1' does not automatically add 'cover2'.

You will need to handle that yourself. Luckily, the toggleClass function has a second parameter that accepts a boolean value. This allows you to easily toggle classes on or off based on the boolean you provide.

Additionally, this approach simplifies the click handler for both elements:

var isSettingClicked = false;
$( ".settings_link, #coverup" ).click(function() { 
    isSettingClicked = !isSettingClicked;
    $( "#coverup" ).toggleClass( "cover1", isSettingClicked);
    $( "#settingani" ).toggleClass( "settings1", isSettingClicked);
    $( "#coverup" ).toggleClass( "cover2", !isSettingClicked);
    $( "#settingani" ).toggleClass( "settings2", !isSettingClicked);

Answer №2

If you're looking to achieve the desired functionality, I recommend utilizing the addClass and removeClass methods.

var clickOnSettings = true;

$( ".settings_link" ).click(function() { 
    if (clickOnSettings) {
        $( "#coverup" ).addClass( "cover1" );
        $( "#settingani" ).addClass( "settings1" );
        $( "#coverup" ).removeClass( "cover2" );
        $( "#settingani" ).removeClass( "settings2" );
        clickOnSettings = false;
$( "#coverup" ).click(function() { 
    if (!clickOnSettings) {
        $( "#coverup" ).addClass( "cover2" );
        $( "#settingani" ).addClass( "settings2" );
        $( "#coverup" ).removeClass( "cover1" );
        $( "#settingani" ).removeClass( "settings1" );
        clickOnSettings = true;

Answer №3


While not the most elegant solution, I was able to fix the issue by creating a separate class for "settingani" instead of combining it with "coverup." Here's how I did it:

        var clickOnSettings = 1;

        $( ".settings_link" ).click(function() { 
            if (clickOnSettings == 1) {
                $( "#settingani" ).removeClass( "settings0" );
                $( "#coverup" ).addClass( "cover1" );
                $( "#settingani" ).addClass( "settings1" );
                clickOnSettings = 3;
        $( ".settings_link" ).click(function() { 
            if (clickOnSettings == 2) {
                $( "#coverup" ).removeClass( "cover2" );
                $( "#settingani" ).removeClass( "settings2" );
                $( "#coverup" ).addClass( "cover1" );
                $( "#settingani" ).addClass( "settings1" );
                clickOnSettings = 3;
        $( "#coverup" ).click(function() { 
            if (clickOnSettings == 3) {
                $( "#coverup" ).removeClass( "cover1" );
                $( "#settingani" ).removeClass( "settings1" );
                $( "#coverup" ).addClass( "cover2" );
                $( "#settingani" ).addClass( "settings2" );
                clickOnSettings = 2;

Thank you everyone for your assistance! =)

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