My observations on CSS challenges in IE7/8 and the Hashchange plugin

What is causing these float issues in Internet Explorer?

Additionally, has anyone had any experience with '' and know how to make the hashchange function more visually appealing?

Thank you!

Answer №1

This page has a number of issues that need to be addressed.

In an effort to improve its appearance on Firefox, I made several modifications while documenting the process.

By making these adjustments using Firebug, the page now displays much better in Firefox.

  • To <section id="page">, add overflow:auto
  • Remove top: -32px from <footer>
  • Eliminate padding-top:12px from the <img> within <div class="leftfloat">

  • For

    <div style="padding-top:75px">
    , make the following changes:

    • Get rid of padding-top: 75px
    • Add padding: 40px 0 15px 0
    • Introduce overflow: auto
    • Set width: 100%
  • Adjust the width attribute in the first <article>:

    <article class="leftfloat" style="clear: left; width: 275px;">
    to 250px.

  • For the second <article>:

    <article class="leftfloat" style="width: 250px;">
    , include padding: 0 25px 0 0.

As mentioned, there are numerous issues with this page. Implementing these changes will help us assess its display in IE.

Upon inspecting the source at: , I noticed PHP tags that were not properly parsed:

 include_once 'includes/';
 include_once 'includes/';

These PHP tags should not be present. (This information was obtained by examining the XHR request section in Firebug.)

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