My attempt to use the Redux method for displaying data in my testing environment has not yielded

  • I've been attempting to showcase the data in a Redux-friendly manner.
  • When the advanced sports search button is clicked, a drawer opens up that should display historical data when the search attributes are selected.
  • For this purpose, I implemented the fetchHistorySportsDatafromURL method in the actions.
  • Subsequently, I invoked the fetchHistorySportsDatafromURL method within the tabs of the drawer.
  • Unfortunately, the data isn't being rendered as expected.
  • Upon debugging, I noticed that the const historySports = this.props.historySports; returns undefined.
  • Even though I'm using mapDispatchToProps, my attempts have not been fruitful.
  • I am striving to exhibit my data here while reading it from the API {historySports}.
  • All the rendering code is contained within the file sports-advanced-search.js.
  • Below, I have included my code snippet and a link to the sandbox for reference.


export const fetchHistorySportsDatafromURL = data => {
  return dispatch => {
    if (data != undefined) {
      return axios({
        method: "get",
        url: "",
        data: data,
        config: { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" } }
        .then(function(response) {
          console.log("fetchSportsHistoryData--->", response);
        .catch(function(response) {

Render Code:

getHistoryData = values => {

render() {
    const { classes } = this.props;
    const { value } = this.state;

    const Sports = this.props.Sports;
    const historySports = this.props.historySports;
    console.log("historySports--->", historySports);
    console.log("this.props--->", this.props);
    console.log("this.state--->", this.state);

const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
  return {
    fetchHistorySportsDatafromURL: () => {

export default withStyles(styles)(

Answer №1

There are a few issues at play here. Let's try to untangle them a bit without completely solving them for you...

  1. It's important to differentiate between state and props in React. Utilizing Redux to easily map state to props with mapStateToProps can streamline your component usage. Make sure to update the Redux state before attempting this.
  2. Remember, the component-level state defined within the constructor using this.state is different from Redux state. You cannot simply add another state object and expect it to be updated effectively with setState. The state should be bound to the class properly.
  3. Your approach of dispatching
    to update the Redux state seems on the right path. Ensure that there is a reducer listening for FETCH_HISTORY_Sports which will handle updating the Redux state accordingly.
  4. Once the redux state is updated correctly, harness the power of mapStateToProps in your component. This will allow you to access the updated data via this.props.historySports.

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