Is it possible to upload multiple files using JavaScript?

My JavaScript project can be found on GitHub.

You can check out a live demo of the project here.

The main goal for my HTML Button with id='Multiple-Files' is to enable users to upload multiple files, have them displayed in the console, and then play them one after another. If you're interested in the progress so far, you can view it here.

Apologies for including inline links, I was unaware that it could cause an issue here. The snippet might not fully demonstrate the web app, as its primary purpose is to showcase the JavaScript and HTML involved.

const videoElement = document.getElementById("drop-zone-video");
const audioElement = document.getElementById("drop-zone-audio");
const albumArtElement = document.getElementById('drop-zone-image');
const progressBar = document.querySelector(".barz-inner");

function updateThumbnail(dropZoneElement, file) {
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

Answer №1

Utilize the file input field with the multiple attribute.

<input type="file" id="multi-file" name="filefield" multiple="multiple">

If you prefer a button-like appearance, consider using CSS styling or hiding the file input visually and triggering its selection prompt with a button, similar to this (note: untested code snippet):

document.getElementById("multi-file-button").addEventListener('click', () => {

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