Mozilla Firefox's webpage controls adapt according to the type of authentication being used

On my .NET MVC web page, I have 3 radio buttons for selecting a value on a form. However, in a specific test environment with two authentication methods (user/password or certificate), the radio buttons mysteriously change to checkboxes when the page loads. This strange behavior seems to occur only with the user/password method, not with the certificate authentication.

The browser version being used for testing is FireFox 52.3.

I'm thinking it might be related to a moz-appearance style, but I haven't been able to confirm that yet.

My theory is that it could be related to security zones, considering the different behaviors between the two authentication types.

Has anyone else encountered this issue before? Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot and fix this?

Answer №1

After extensively troubleshooting, I discovered a solution to resolve the issue at hand. Our website employs Bootstrap styles, and initially, we suspected that the .disabled class was causing the problem. However, even after removing this class and using the disabled attribute instead, the issue persisted.

Through trial and error, I identified an anomaly in the line-height of the body element as declared in the Bootstrap.css file. The default value was 1.428571429, and by experimenting with different values like changing it from 1.3 to 1.6 in the FF Inspector, I made interesting observations.

Surprisingly, adjusting the line-height to a value between 1.4 and 1.5 resulted in the control transitioning from a radio button to a checkbox. While I cannot offer a definitive explanation for this behavior, it could possibly be a bug or an interaction with another style on the page.

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