Mozilla displays the background color even when the visibility is set to hidden

When working with CSS, I've noticed that when I use visibility: hidden on a <td> tag in Mozilla, the background color still shows.

To see an example, visit this jsfiddle. It displays fine in Chrome but not in Mozilla.

Answer №1

Firefox actually handles this scenario quite well in my opinion. You have set the background color of the tr, but made the td invisible. The result should be that the tr is still visible, which it is.

Instead of what you tried, consider using this CSS:

table td,
table th {
    background-color: beige;   

See a demonstration here:

Answer №2

If it serves your purpose better, you have the option to utilize display: none; instead. It's worth noting that unlike visibility: hidden;, using this property will actually free up space for the next block to be displayed.

Another approach is to apply the background style directly on td and th elements rather than on tr:

th, td {
    border: 1px black solid;
    background-color: beige;

To see the outcome of this styling, click on the following link:

Answer №3

To improve the element's visibility, consider replacing visibility:hidden; with display:none;

Answer №4

One issue lies within this particular CSS declaration:

table tr {
 background-color: beige;   

This rule specifies that every row in any table should have a beige background color. However, when you hide a cell by setting its visibility to hidden, the space occupied by that cell still exists within the row. This results in the visible appearance of the background color in the location where the hidden cell is.

To address this problem, you can either set the display property to none so that the space taken up by the hidden cell is not considered, or you can assign the background color directly to the cells instead of the entire rows:

table tr td, th {
 background-color: beige;   

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