Modifying the order of Vuetify CSS in webpack build process

While developing a web app using Vue (3.1.3) and Vuetify (1.3.8), everything appeared to be working fine initially. However, when I proceeded with the production build, I noticed that Vue was somehow changing the order of CSS.

The issue specifically revolves around the classes .v-list__tile__content and .align-end.

In the vuetify.css file, these classes are located on lines 4844 and 7236 respectively. But after running npm run build, in the dist/css/chunk-vendors.*.css file, their positions are altered to 108929 and 100729. As a result, the sequence in which the styles are applied gets switched, consequently affecting this div:

<div class="v-list__tile__content align-end">...</div>

This leads to variations in appearance between the development server and the production environment.



The generated div is tied to this component:

<v-list-tile-content class="align-end">{{ dish.price }}</v-list-tile-content>

The root cause lies in the

align-items: flex-start/flex-end;

Is there a systematic solution to address this quirk? While one workaround could involve overriding the style directly, it raises concerns about potential reoccurrences.

Answer №1

It seems like the changing order of your CSS during the build process may be due to minification, assuming there are no differences in your code between environments. Certain tools may rearrange selectors based on property values, such as:

.foo {
  align-items: flex-start;

.bar {
  align-items: flex-start;

Which could be transformed into:

.foo, .bar {
  align-items: flex-start;

This alteration could potentially impact the sequence of your CSS rules.

Sharing your build configuration might help pinpoint the root cause of this issue.

Answer №2

The issue appears to stem from the language affecting text direction {
    direction: ltr;

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