The $brand-color
sass variable dictates the background color of the body.
A successful local test showed a change in background color
Simply altering the color value proved effective for me without any complications.
Here is my process:
Duplicated the project
Modified the color value from $brand-color: #fede00;
to $brand-color: #6e6e6c;
in the _sass_variables.scss file
Stopped and restarted the Jekyll server
An assessment using GitHub pages
Upon duplicating your project, I encountered some difficulties building it locally. After removing the gemspec file and rectifying your Gemfile, I observed that the color remained consistent, functioning properly in a local environment.
The solution: Adjusting the URL and baseurl parameters
Identifying the cause of the stagnant color on GitHub pages required time and effort. Ultimately, I discovered that the CSS URL mentioned in the index.html file was linked to the original page author's site:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
The issue stemmed from the fact that the CSS URL in the default layout utilized an absolute URL (refer to here).
To address the absolute URL problem, I modified the baseurl and URL keys in the _config.yml file:
baseurl: ""
url: ""
In your scenario, update the _config.yml file as shown below:
baseurl: ""
url: ""