modifying the arrangement of span elements

Currently, I am assisting a colleague in crafting articles for scientific journals. Interestingly, various publishers have distinct requirements regarding the format of cited authors in the bibliography. Some demand "last name, first name," while others prefer "first name, last name" (with an ordered list by last name and potentially last names displayed in small caps).

Admittedly, utilizing a database would be more efficient; however, my colleague's expertise does not extend to that level.

If I were to create a basic HTML page with lines similar to this example:

<p><span class="lname">Doe</span>, <span class="fname">John</span></p>

Is there a CSS technique available that would display the line as "John DOE", or would I need to resort to using JavaScript?

Answer №1

If you want to achieve this layout using flexbox, you can make use of the order property (with some tweaking).

Here is the code snippet (

p {
.fname {
.lname {
.fname:after {
  <span class="lname">Doe</span>
  <span class="fname">John</span>

You can also try a more dynamic solution like this:

#name {
  display: flex;
#name.fl .firstname:after {
  content: "\00a0";
#name.lf .lastname:after {
  content: ",\00a0";
#name.fl .firstname,
#name.lf .lastname {
  order: 1;
#name.fl .lastname,
#name.lf .firstname {
  order: 2;
<p class="fl" id="name">
  <span class="firstname">John</span><span class="lastname">Doe</span>
<p class="lf" id="name">
  <span class="firstname">John</span><span class="lastname">Doe</span>

Pro tip: While this solution works visually, it's recommended to prepare the name properly with PHP or directly from the database in the correct format. Using the order property only affects visual ordering and not the underlying code or accessibility for screen readers.

Answer №2

One way to fix this issue is by using the float property and hiding the comma in your HTML code.

.lname {float: left; padding-right: 5px;}
.comma {display: none;}
<p><span class="lname">Doe</span><span class="comma">,</span> <span class="fname">John</span></p>

Answer №3

Here's an innovative twist utilizing data-attributes along with the :before and :after pseudo-elements

If you have a container for your list of authors named .autherContainer that has either the extra class .lnLast or .lnFirst, and the author names are structured as shown, with the last name repeated twice in each version


<div class="authorContainer lnFirst">
    <p data-ln-first="Doe, " data-ln-last=" DOE">John</p>

<div class="authorContainer lnLast">
    <p data-ln-first="Dear, " data-ln-last=" DEAR">Jane</p>


.authorContainer.lnFirst p:before {
    content: attr(data-ln-first);

.authorContainer.lnLast p:after {
    content: attr(data-ln-last);

I made some assumptions based on arranging the lists in a shared container, enabling them to be presented chronologically without adhering to a specific format or unnecessary code additions. However, individual preferences may vary.

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