Modifying text size using JavaScript string manipulation

I'm currently experimenting with a countdown script, but I'm struggling to change the size of the numbers displayed. Can anyone help me find where I can adjust the font and font size in this script?

var eventdate = new Date("February 20, 2014 11:00:00");

function toSt(n) {
    s = ""
    if (n < 10) s += "0"
    return s + n.toString();

function countdown() {
    cl = document.clock;
    d = new Date();
    count = Math.floor((eventdate.getTime() - d.getTime()) / 1000);
    if (count <= 0) {
        cl.days.value = "----";
        cl.hours.value = "--";
        cl.mins.value = "--";
        cl.secs.value = "--";
    cl.secs.value = toSt(count % 60);
    count = Math.floor(count / 60);
    cl.mins.value = toSt(count % 60);
    count = Math.floor(count / 60);
    cl.hours.value = toSt(count % 24);
    count = Math.floor(count / 24);
    cl.days.value = count;
    setTimeout("countdown()", 500);

Answer №1

To perform CSS modifications using JavaScript, you can utilize the .css() method of jQuery.

Answer №2

There are multiple ways to adjust the font size in web development:

let message = "Goodbye!";
let output = message.fontsize(8);

In addition to using JavaScript like shown above, CSS can also be used for font size adjustments.

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