Modifying SASS variable values based on the presence of specific text in the page URL

How can I utilize the same SASS file for two different websites with similar functionality but different color schemes? My goal is to dynamically change the color based on the URL of the page. However, I am facing challenges in extracting the page URL from within the SASS file and incorporating conditional logic using .contains() in CSS.
Is it possible to update SASS variables from JS or JQuery instead?

For instance,
URL1 = ;
URL2 = ;

I want to determine if the page URL contains ".nz", then set the button color to green; otherwise, set it to gray.

I understand that the syntax below is incorrect. Could you please provide the correct syntax and guidelines:

$URL: need to get the page URL;

   @if $URL.contains('.nz') {
      $bg-color: green;
   }@else {
    	$bg-color: gray;

 background : $bg-color 

Answer №1

If you want to customize the styling based on the URL, one way is to add a body class specific to that URL. Here's an example:

$(function() {
    if ( document.location.href.indexOf('.nz') > -1 ) {

In your sass file, you can then define different styles for elements within Here's how you can do it:

$bg-color: gray;

    background: $bg-color;
} {
    $bg-color: green;

    button {
        background : $bg-color;

Answer №2

Incorporate the URL of the current page into a body element attribute called data-url using JavaScript, like this:

  document.body.dataset.url = location.href;

Your CSS code can then target elements based on this attribute, for example:

.button {
  background : gray;

[data-url*=".nz"] .button{
  background : green

Check out a Codepen demo here

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