Modifying jQuery CSS causes certain CSS rules from a file to be deleted

When using jQuery to change the css of an element, I've noticed that it can remove some previously specified css rules for that element.

For example,

.className, .className2, etc... { 
   background-color: black;
   color    : silver;

.className:hover, .className2:hover, etc... { 
   background-color: gray;
   color    : white;

In my case, when a user clicks on an element, I want the background to permanently change to indicate it has been clicked. If another sibling element is then clicked, I would like it to revert back to its original css rules and not retain the jQuery-set styles (meaning it loses its rgba background and regains its hover effect).

highlightClicked : function (el) {
            "background-color" : "rgba(70, 70, 70, 0.7)",
            "color" : "white"
        $('#parentElement > span').each(function () {   
                "background-color" : "rgba(70, 70, 70, 0.0)",
                "color" : "gray"

However, it appears that the jquery .css function removes these original css rules.

Is there a way to preserve them?

Answer №1

Instead of using the .css() method to modify an element's styles, a more effective approach is to add or remove a class:


// Add a common class to target elements with jQuery, such as .target
<div class="target className">className</div>
<div class="target className2">className2</div>


.active, .active:hover { // Do not include .active:hover if you do not want a hover effect
  background-color: red; // Any desired style
  color: #FFF; // Any desired style


  $(this).addClass("active").siblings(".target").removeClass("active"); // Adds the class to the clicked element and removes it from others


Alternatively, if you want to switch classes for each element individually, you can simply use .toggleClass() like this:



Answer №2

While @jmore009's suggestion may be the most effective, it's worth noting that jQuery can also override style sheet rules as mentioned by @webeno. To revert back to the original styles, you can reset the css properties by setting them to an empty string:

        "background-color" : "",
        "color" : ""

For a practical example, check out this:

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