Modifying HTML Email to Achieve Consistent Rendering Across Various Email Platforms

While creating an HTML based email for our subscribers, I noticed that it renders differently in various email clients. The main issue arises in Outlook 2003 where the main picture is offset to the left and the grid boxes vary in height depending on the content. My goal was to ensure all grid boxes have equal height by reserving enough space for multiple lines. Could someone help me identify the problem areas?

Due to the length of the HTML code, here are snippets that showcase the issues:

Main Picture Offset:

    <td height="15" style="text-align:center" width="100%"></td></tr><tr>
    <td border="0" width="600" style="text-align:center" align="center">
        <a href="#147d3134c7aae5a7_147d3131083faac4_" style="border:none"><img alt="" border="0" width="600" height="400" align="top" src="" style="width:600px;min-height:400px"></a>
        <table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="600">
                    <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0">
                                <td border="0" bgcolor="#403e3e" style="background-color:#403e3e;font-family:Myriad Pro,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:16px;font-weight:normal;color:#ffffff;line-height:18px;text-align:left">
                                    <img height="23" style="min-height:23px" src="" alt="Gourmet All-Inclusive 4.5-Star Playa del Carmen Resort">

Various Sized Boxes:


This is how it should look in Gmail:

This is how it appears in Outlook 2003:

Answer №1

It seems like your question is an ongoing narrative with no end in sight. Here are a few suggestions to consider:

  • Try resetting as many default values as possible.
  • If you choose to use tables, make sure to reset cellpadding, cellspacing, and border values to 0.
  • Avoid using colspan and rowspan as some email clients may not support it or handle it differently.
  • Always double or triple declare CSS values, both inline and in the head style section.
  • Use padding instead of margins, specifically on TD elements only.
  • Provide exact width and height for images and apply display:block to eliminate extra spaces below them.
  • Set font-size to 0 on the body and then specify it for individual elements to prevent invisible characters on inline elements.

Setting height values for TD elements can be inconsistent, so many people opt for spacer images. Consider using an empty TD with padding-top:30px for stability.

I am a frontend developer at

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