Modifying border color causes layout disruption on Internet Explorer 9

Encountering a peculiar issue in IE9 where modifying the border-color of an <input> upon user input (:hover or :focus) leads to layout distortion.

I intended to create a form with left-aligned labels having a min-height, whereby if the label width exceeds, the input field should shift to the next row. While this setup functions correctly for me (excluding Firefox in this fiddle but on my local development), the problem lies elsewhere.

Upon testing in IE9, certain input fields shift right by the value of margin-left on mouse hover.

An attempt to rectify this involved reducing the margin-bottom of the label (from 5px to 4px) seems to prevent the occurrence, yet the initial appearance of the error remains perplexing.

Additionally, no error occurs when the border-color remains unchanged. Curious!

See example here: (Check in IE9)

Is this a known bug specific to IE9? Should I consider reaching out to Microsoft?


The fiddle has been updated.
Interestingly, altering the border-color through jQuery seems to eliminate the bug.

Answer №1

If you adjust the font size in the input field to pixels, it resolves the issue... Could this be a bug related to the adaptive units?

input {
    font-size: 13px;

Answer №2

Consider steering clear of the "float" property. Achieve a similar layout using display:inline-block;

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