Create a customized menu with jQuery that disappears when hovered over

Check out this menu I've created:

The hover effect seems to be working fine, but I'm looking to hide the div #submenuSolutions when the user's cursor is not on the "Solution" item or the submenu. Is there a way to accomplish this?

Answer №1

Upon closer examination of the jQuery api documentation, you will discover that the hover function has the ability to handle two events simultaneously

$("document").ready(function() {
  $("#menuSolutions a").hover(function () {
  },function() {

It is important to note that this functionality is specifically designed for use with suckerfish menus.

Answer №2

View Demo

I just implemented this piece of code to hide the element when the mouse moves away:


The solutionMenu represents the id of the panel, allowing you to utilize the mouseleave event which triggers upon the mouse exiting the specified element.

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