Modify the color of the panel header when the button is clicked

I am trying to modify the background color of my panel header using a button that changes the color scheme of my site. The button currently functions on AFO. Below is the stylesheet for the button:

.AFO { background-color: #fff;}
.AFO h1 { color: #00159d; }
.AFO h2 { color: #00159d; }
.AFO h3 { color: #00159d; }
.AFO h4 { color: #00159d; }
.AFO h5 { color: #00159d; }
.AFO h6 { color: #00159d; }
.AFO p { color: #00159d; }
.AFO th { background-color: #c3cced; color: #00159d;}
.AFO panel-header { background-image:-webkit-linear-gradient(top, #c3cced, #00159d ) !important; color: #00159d !important;}


<div class="panel-heading orange ct-orange" ng-class="colorScheme">Details</div>

Although I have the button working, I am unable to locate the JavaScript responsible for it. When inspecting the element, I noticed that AFO is persistently added to the class, maintaining its original orange color.

So far, the only way I have successfully changed the panel color is by modifying the top line in the CSS to this:

.AFO { background-color: #fff; background-image:-webkit-linear-gradient(top, #c3cced, #00159d ) !important; color: #00159d !important;}

I would appreciate any suggestions or ideas on how to achieve this. If you need more information, please let me know. I will continue my search for the button!!!

Update: Found the JavaScript!

    $(function() {
  $(".colorSelect").change(function() {
    $("body").attr('class', '');
    $(".colorSelect").each(function() {

Answer №1

It appears you forgot to include the . when targeting the class element

Original Code

.AFO panel-header { background-image:-webkit-linear-gradient(top, #c3cced, #00159d ) !important; color: #00159d !important;}


The correct syntax should be .AFO .panel-header without a space, since AFO is being added to that element. Here is the updated code:

.AFO.panel-header { background-image:-webkit-linear-gradient(top, #c3cced, #00159d ) !important; color: #00159d !important;}


The class name should be panel-heading instead of panel-header

Therefore, your CSS code should be as follows:

.AFO.panel-heading { background-image:-webkit-linear-gradient(top, #c3cced, #00159d ) !important; color: #00159d !important;}

Check out the updated code on Fiddle

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