Modify the background position in CSS several times

Hi there! I'm looking to create a hover effect where the thumbnail of a video file is previewed, similar to how it's done on However, I'd like to achieve this using a sprite file instead. For example, my thumbnail image is 140px wide and 560px high. What I want is for the background position to switch 4 times (by -140px) when I hover my mouse over it, and for this animation to loop as long as the mouse is hovering. Can anyone assist me with this? Please excuse my poor English and lack of experience with jQuery. Thank you!

Answer №1

Implement an event handler using setTimeout within the context of .hover() in jQuery. This will continuously adjust one axis of the background-position property downwards by 140 pixels every second. Keep track of the return value from setTimeout to be able to cancel it at a later point. If this axis surpasses -140 multiplied by 4 (representing the number of animation frames), reset it back to 0.

You have the option to include a secondary callback function with .hover() which triggers when you cease hovering over the element; utilize this function to revoke the most recent timeout set using clearTimeout.

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