Modify the background color of a pseudo-element's property value dynamically

How do I change the background color of my burger menu by clicking on an icon?

This is the CSS code I have:

       --pseudo-backgroundcolor: yellow;
    .menu__icon span,
        background: var(--pseudo-backgroundcolor);


And this is the JavaScript code:

const iconMenu = document.querySelector('.menu__icon');
const root = document.querySelector(":root");
let styleRoot = window.getComputedStyle(root)
let valueProp = styleRoot.getPropertyValue("--pseudo-backgroundcolor")
if (iconMenu) {
    const menuBody = document.querySelector('.menu__body');
    iconMenu.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
        switch (valueProp) {
            case 'yellow':
      "--pseudo-backgroundcolor", 'white');

            case 'white':
      "--pseudo-backgroundcolor", 'yellow');

Alternatively, you can use if/else statements:

if (valueProp == 'white') {"--pseudo-backgroundcolor", 'yellow');
if (valueProp == 'yellow') {"--pseudo-backgroundcolor", 'white');

I'm having trouble understanding why the switch and if/else constructions are not working. The function doesn't seem to recognize it.

Answer №1

Ensure to remove any whitespace in the valueProp. Consider using .trim() on this variable before performing comparisons.

let valueProp = styleRoot.getPropertyValue("--pseudo-backgroundcolor").trim()

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