Modify content or display picture within accordion panel based on its identifier

In my view, I have a model representing a list of items. Each item has a unique ID, which is included in the H2 header tag. The details of each item are displayed in a div below the header. Initially, there is an image within the header that is set to display:none. Using some jQuery scripting within the view, I am trying to dynamically change the text in the header and show the hidden image.

 <h2 id= 'header+@Model[i].ID' class="header" style="background-color:whitesmoke">@Model[i].Item.Name&nbsp 
                <img id="img+@Model[i].ID" src="~/Images/yes.gif" alt="" style="display:none" class="yescheck"/>
           // all the data
     <button id="but+@Model[i].ID" onclick=CountComplete(); return false //...

I've attempted to achieve this with the following code:

 function CountComplete(but) {
    var id =;
    id = id.substring(5);
    var div = "#div+" + id;
        type: 'POST',
        data: { id: id },
        url: '@Url.Action("CountComplete")',
        success: function (data) {
            var test = data;
            $("#accordion").accordion('option', 'active', false);
            var head = '#header+' + id;
            var $image = $(head).find('.yescheck');
            $('img+' + id).show();
            $(head).innerHTML = 'CLOSED';
    return false;

Can anyone suggest a better way to accomplish this?

Answer №1

I discovered a surprisingly easy solution: instead of employing the plus sign '+', I opted for the minus sign '-', which seamlessly allowed JQ to locate the element without any issues. It remains a mystery why the plus symbol failed to perform as expected.

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